Labour’s voice on municipal issues.

Our structure.

Directly chartered by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and proudly affiliated to the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL), the WLC speaks out as Labour’s voice on municipal issues and realities and promotes the social and economic well-being of all workers municipally, provincially and nationally.

Monthly meetings.

Each affiliated union votes to join the Labour Council, to which it pays a monthly dues allotment of 50 cents per member, per month. Each local is entitled to send delegates to the Labour Council meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month, except July & August.

At the meetings, delegates from the various locals and affiliates report on matters affecting their membership, and learn about issues and realities affecting local Unions in the Winnipeg area.

Your responsibilities as a delegate to the Winnipeg Labour Council:

  • Attend meetings on a regular basis

  • Email the WLC Admin if you are unable to attend, due to: working, Union business, family, vacation or illness

  • Reporting on matters affecting you and members of your local

  • Participating in projects and campaigns organized by the WLC, MFL or CLC through the WLC

  • Reporting back to your local on Labour Council actions and decisions

  • Volunteering on WLC Committees, to attend events and participate when possible


Delegates of affiliated Unions are invited to join the WLC’s active committees to join us as we build stronger collective action, and to represent the realities of all sectors of work.

Each committee is different and will meet monthly by setting a meeting schedule and communication method that works best for the group. By joining the committee, affiliated delegates are able to represent their Union and work, alongside other Sisters, Brothers, Friends, and community allies from all over our city.

  • Education Committee:
    Working in conjunction with the WLC Executive, the Education Committee will coordinate and organize the WLC’s educational programs year-round.

    The committee will do this by hosting and coordinating educational events that will assist affiliates with labour education, political action, and social justice education. Whenever possible, they will work with our affiliates, other central labour bodies and when appropriate, community to enhance and share education that already exists. Our educational events will be primarily for affiliates but, when appropriate may be opened to our trusted community partners.

    Examples of education events could include: Campaign training for municipal, provincial and federal campaigns and educational workshops on current and relevant topics (climate/environmental issues, indigenous/reconciliation issues & solidarity, etc.)

  • Engagement & Action Committee:
    Working in conjunction with WLC Executive, the Equality, Engagement and Action committee will work towards equality of all workers and to educate workers of all human rights issues; To promote the interest of affiliates and generally advance the social well-being of workers.

    This committee will be responsible for community outreach, engagement and events. This committee will work with affiliates and other central labour bodies to bring issues to light that affect workers and our community and to support trusted community partners in the work that they do. Examples of community outreach could include: Rossbrook House, UW Days of Caring, collection drives, etc.   

    This committee will also be responsible for coordinating labour action for our affiliates, including supporting campaigns and promoting labour matters of our affiliates. May Day parade/events will be tasked to this committee.


The WLC Executive is elected by delegates from our affiliated unions. The current Executive is comprised of:

Melissa Dvorak

Deborah Jones
1st Vice-President
UFCW 832

2nd Vice-President

David Hamalainen
3rd Vice-President
UFCW 832

Tanya Veness
Recording Secretary
Workers United

Jarrett Schmidt
CUPW Winnipeg

Stephanie Mack
COPE 342

Carmen Prefontaine
Member at Large
CUPE 500

Aarti Sharma
Member at Large
OE 987

Member at Large